Added Predator Won't run in BOBCAD

I recently download predator software to my PC. However when I click on the icon in the external applications group nothing happens. I am running a stand alone version of V33. Is the some setting in V33 where I can make the connection between BOBCAD and Predator?

Did you use the Predator installer from BobCAD or from Predator directly? The installer from older versions of BobCAD would set the necessary files up.

Did you try to load Predator from your cam tab inside of Bobcad?

I download the free version of Predator and installed it. It runs fine outside of BOB CAD. But not from the “External Applications” group in the CAM tab.

So are the buttons in BobCAD for Predator and NC Editor only for versions purchased through BobCAD?

The Predator version that shipped with BobCAD V30 and older had special files with it to make it work with BobCAD. You would need to install V30 or older on your system so it installs the proper files and then it will work with any version of BobCAD.

I currently have V33. Where would I get a copy of V30? If I installed V30 will I still be able to use V33?

Yes you will be able to use V-30. But any thing that is done with a Newer version can not be opened with older. I might be wrong