DNC sending problem

hello everyone, I have used BobCAD sense v17. correctly using v27. I have sent all my code to my machines with predator DNC for years. Monday I sent a small program to one machine (vf3) and got a alarm of 241 bad number. I checked the code of 30 lines and everything looks right. I sent it again and got the same alarm. After looking at what was sent I noticed that the editor is sending two copy’s of the program. %program%%program% . I started selecting sections of the program and sending them. it sends correctly up until I include the line G91 G28 Z0 then it started send it twice. I have uninstalled v24 and both predator programs and reinstalled them everything work correctly up until you send it.
has anyone experienced this problem.

Not familiar with this one. with DNC it either works or it doesn’t…however duplicating some of the code, and repeatable on the same line each time is odd. Has something changed with the cable itself? Have you added any new devices or light fixtures that are near to the RS-232 cable? Those are the normal culprits to causing data corruption in RS-232 however with your issue being exactly repeatable as you say, it is just odd.

Here is a link to download a simple RS-232 program I created a while back and tested with our Haas controller here at the office. I do not claim that this is 100% perfect as it was created simply to test communications on a project I was working on, however it may work ok for you. Feel free to try it out with no guarantee that it will work for you and we cannot and will not be offering any type of support for this.

CLICK HERE to Download <------------

Hope this helps
