I’m trying to keep my file size down as I do a lot of file storage on the cloud. The file sizes I’m getting are huge, a boat load larger than the solids I’m putting in. I do very detailed setups because I program remotely and send to my customer, I also produce the setup sheets simulation videos from BobCAD to provide to my customers. I can’t handle a file for a simple part, 3 setups, that is 142MB.
I’ve got the below solids pulled into my CAM
- Vice base/fixed jaw - 5x - 116kb step file on hard drive (580kb)
- Vice flexible jaw - 10x - 38kb step file on hard drive (380kb)
- Vice stock jaws - 5x - 107kb step file on hard drive (535kb)
- Mite-e-bite 8" talon - 5x - 636kb xt file on hard drive (3180kb)
- Solid part model - 3x - 237kb step file on hard drive (711kb)
- CAM tool paths
- total hard drive space for all solids - 5386kb (~5MB)
- everything listed above includes the transforms/copies to move and duplicate the actual solids I imported
- .bbcd file as its saved on hard drive is 142,867kb ~ 140MB