Inside corner gouging

Hello, My name is Mark McAferty and I am new to bob cad cam and this forum. I have a lot of questions about the software. One question I have is how do you keep the tool from going beyond the y axis and gouging the x axis or vise versa on an inside corner? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello Mark,

Are you talking about pocketing or profiling? Do yoy have an example you could post? Also, climb cutting or conventional?

Some more details will help us know how to help.


I am profile cutting out the part. Does climb cutting or conventional cutting make a difference? The tool path in the corner is going up against the opposite plane and gouging. How do you stop it short of the next plane.
Posted picture. console left side gouge.pdf (192.1 KB) .

I figured it out, I picked the bottom of the part with constant z and it worked.