Job from template can we have some notes or something

So I have a lot of job saved in my template. I was just thinking it would be nice to be able to look at some notes that could help telling me what I did with this job. What I have been doing is under my comments I have the file number for the job template I saved so when I use the templated I can open the old drawing and see what I was doing for all the features.


good idea. I am using BC4Rhino and currently I write notes about the CAM stuff in a Rhino text field. Especially when working with templates, certain things have to be set explicitly (zero point, gemeotries, top/bottom, …). Then, when there are changes to be made with Toolpath Editor, all the more important to remember about it. Unfortunately, these things are lost without a trace during Toolpath calculation.

So yes: to have a reminder field where you can make notes makes perfect sense. The question remains whether a general and/or also for each operation it should be possible to have such a note field.

Bye, Harald


Hey Eric,

I agree as well that this would be a nice feature to have.

I have actually put in a feature request similar to this before, but it wasn’t specifically for templates. I will add this to that feature request.

Thanks for the feedback! Keep 'em coming!