Machining order for Wire-EDM - Rough cut,Skim cuts and Tab cuts

Hello All,
I have one feature request that I think would be useful in Wire-EDM. In some cases it is very useful to be able to use different settings for the order of cuts.
BobCAD-CAM offers by default for 2 axis or 4 axis inside cut the order Roughing cut, Tab cut and then Skim (finishing) cuts (I can set the number of Skim cuts (finishing cuts).
However, sometimes it is convenient to use the sequence Rough cut, Finishing cuts (e.g. the machine cuts overnight without operator) and in the morning the operator just cuts the Tab (it mean Tab with rough and finishing cuts). It would be great if it would be possible to set the number of subsequent (Skim) cuts for the last cuts of Tab and also eventually to modify the technology database so that it can easily handle multiple technologies for the Tab (for Roughing and also Finishing cuts of Tab) If we want to offer easier programming and higher productivity for machining, it would be advisable to modify and extend the existing cutting strategies.
Thank you.


I have been asking for exactly the sames thing for years. I even submitted sample screens and exactly how it would work. That was 3 releases ago, and I was advised 'it’s just around the corner in the next release.

Personally, I believe that it is a shame they have ignored it for so long. I understand that the 4 & 5 axis mill stuff pays the bills, but we use that stuff also!