I’ve spent over an hour trying to find the location in my post where the tool number format is located.
My post outputs the tool number as T009.00. I need the format to be T0909.00.
Does anyone know where this is located in the post?
This for Lathe or Mill?
I am thinking Lathe and most likely Mazak if you are using a decimal point tool number…is that correct?
For 2 axis lathe you can read block 1512 here: https://bobcad.com/components/webhelp/PostProcessorHelpSystemFiles/PostBlockReferenceIntroduction.html
For Mill Turn you can reference tool device blocks section here and you can find the reference table for formatting the tool number: https://bobcad.com/components/webhelp/PostProcessorHelpSystemFiles/MillTurnZonePostBlocks.html
HTH (hope this helps)
Thank you Alex! Yes, it was for a Mazak MT. That 2nd link pointed me to exactly where I needed to go to change the tool number format.
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Glad I could help.