Quickly Change Display Background Color

Hi All,

What do you all think of having a icon for quickly changing the background display color.
Add an icon to these in the bottom right corner

Generally I prefer to use a black background, however when it comes to taking screen shots and printing I switch to white. It would be nice if switching display color could be as easy as changing geometry color, just 2 clicks and its done.


Hello David,

I know other software (e.g. Rhino :slight_smile: ) that give the opportunity to adjust/set menus, icon panels, shortcuts, macros, alias…
If BC will enhance this in BobCAM too, there is no need for individual whished features like you asked for.
I would love to see such enhancements that allows to customize the GUI for personal use. Perfect also, if it is possible to save this settings to transfer them to another computer or next release.

Bye, Harald

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Totally agree. I know you have mentioned this in past too, having more customization of commands, and menus. All improvements help.