Hello everyone, my name is Silverio Diquigiovanni from North-East Italy, very close to Venice, and I am happy to have landed in this forum.
I have been working as a Firmware/Software developer for Embedded and PC systems since 1987 in a company that produces custom PLCs and CNCs for the industrial sector.
At the moment I am part of a development team that is working on a general-purpose Multi-axis CNC Control System and I have learned about BobCAD/CAM from version V31 thanks to DataCAD.
In Italy, BobCAD/CAM is very little known and used, also due to the lack of language support, but I was so impressed that it has become our reference tool.
In the R&D department, we use BobCAD/CAM to test the functionality of our CNC Board and to offer it to our customers as suggested and supported CAD / CAM.
Thus it happens that the functions of the CNC Board have been “adapted” to better manage the BobCAD/CAM output files.
I am slowly translating part of the documentation and examples into Italian which will then be integrated into the CNC documentation on our website.
Best Regards