V25 crashes (corrupted file)

My V25 is crashing after a recent computer re-start.

I am getting a alert saying the following. 9 times

C:Bobcad-Cam Data\BobCad-Cam\V25\MillingTechnology\tools\mill\defaulttools.defmtools IS CORRUPTED

C:Bobcad-Cam Data\BobCad-Cam\V25\MillingTechnology\taps\inch\millingtaps.taps IS CORRUPTED

C:Bobcad-Cam Data\BobCad-Cam\V25\MillingTechnology\toolpattern\toolpatern.tpatt IS CORRUPTED

C:Bobcad-Cam Data\BobCad-Cam\V25\MillingTechnology\cuttingconditions\cuttingconditions.ccond IS CORRUPTED

After I hit OK on each of the alerts the program crashes.

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.


You can go into your data folder and delete or rename those corrupted files and the software will create blank ones so you can use the software.

You could also delete the files, then run the installer in repair mode and it will put the original installed files back when it finds they are missing I believe.