V34 Sneak Peek of the day - Diameter Text Field

Diameter Text Field:



I noticed on the UI there is a new “Saved Selections” tab, that looks very useful.

For Selected Geometry in the CAM wizards, can we select these saved selections from this tab ?

see https://discourse.bobcad.com/t/v34-sneak-peek-of-the-day-selection-manager :wink:

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You sure can! The Saved Selections manager can be utilized with anything in the software from CAD to CAM.

The purpose of this is there are many times you may find yourself picking the same thing for multiple different features. Once you select a set of geometry once, just go to the Saved Selection manager and click save and that group of geometry is now stored for quick clicking the next time you are in something and need that group of geometry again!

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