One of the problems in 3D printing is that it is quite popular for home/hobby work and people can be reluctant to pay for software.
Sometimes you have to pay for software to jump to the next level in terms of capability.
For example everything I had read said that the Dremel 3D20 was only capable of a minimum of 0.1mm layer heights, however I could see that it worked with G codes and I could recognise where it was moving the table and print head from my programming work with Bobcam.
I thought this machine does not know or care what Z level it is driven to, in Simplify3D I was able to programme with 0.05mm layers and use a kind of adaptive strategy with bigger layer heights in non critical areas.
I would not describe it as adaptive as we know from BobCam, rather different printing strategies were applied according to height.
I hope that Bobcam release a 3D print module, I would like to be able to use proper adaptive toolpath strategies.
Regards Barrie