Tool crib/tool selection


I agree and also wish, BobCAD would never do automatic tool numberations except the user tells to do so.

Further in this case: coolant seems to be always set to “Flood” by default. I would like to see if this can be defined in the Tool Library and adjusted in the Tool Crib for each tool. I know which tool to choose for which material and if coolant is required or not.

Regards, Harald

to i will say coming from using GibbsCam…the software overall has been good to work with…a little less point,click and go like gibbs… but once you know the sequence in which to do things…it’s pretty straight forward…i’m just nit picking on stuff that a more seasoned user might…but a newer user might not catch it…

this is kind of maddening…i actually just copied and pasted a feature from one machine set up to another in the same damn program…and true to form…it swapped my 1.25 insert ruffer T2 that was in the first set up to one it created on it’s own AT T6…THIS HAS TO STOP…FIX IT…


A post was split to a new topic: Default Tool Cribs

I agree with the concerns expressed about tool selection issues in bcc thru out the whole post. Thanks for looking into it. I think @Bigman has some good points / ideas that should also be considered.




Yes, I know the tool is in the Tool Crib :rage:

What I did:
I did an “Add From Tool Library” because in a former process directly on the machine, i changed feed rates to achieve better performance. Good idea, to change this experience also in the Tool Library too, which worked as expected. But for the Tool Crib it just gives me the message the tool is already in use with no opportunity to ask the user, if the changes should go into the Tool Crib as well :frowning:

Can you improve this or did I miss something?

Regards, Harald

in an instance such as that…just go into the tools page itself and make you adjustments to the tool there and then it will be saved for all eternity…or until you change it again

This already worked doing it via "“Add From Tool Library”. But the modifications get not changed in the Tool Crib nor is there a question, if BC should do it. Only way is to reassign a completely different tool (for all operations that have assigned the corresponding tool). Only then it is possible to kick the messed tool out and afterwards reassign the tool again (finish with deleting the in between used tool)

Bye, Harald

when is copy and paste not copy and paste?..when it’s done in BobCAD…of course it’s not…this has to be fixed…these operations were copied and pasted in the same gotdamn program…just from one machine set up to another…and it still decides to make 2 arbitrary tools on it’s own instead of using the tools in the operation…make it stop…for the love of God…make it stop…

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I’ll wait for V34. Some of the issues we mentioned have been improved or bugs have been fixed. Hopefully this also applies to the tool management and handling. Hopefully, hopefully, …

Bye, Harald

Yea copy and past bites . Just save as a job template next time and then all you will need to do is uncheck the box, (Use automatic tool numbering and you will be gold I have a temp 1 for this that I over right all the time.

hell it won’t even pick the right tool when i do that…just makes up whatever it wants…


And it changes all your depths to a default 1/2". What a PIA to always watch out for all these things.


use save as job template and always uncheck that box for drilling, reamer I have asked for this to be fixed for ever.( to death ears)

I was doing some copy and pasting today of a feature, about 6 times, and into the same setup. Very Frustrating this issue with BC selecting tools from the “System Tools” and even more so when it will make up its own tool, all the while the tool you want to use is right there in the Tool Crib. 6 times I had to repeat, Un-Check System Tool, Go into the Tool Crib and select the tool I had in there.
I hope this is being looked into. Not sure if something was done in V34 about it.

By default the “System Tools” is checked, whether for tools in a new Feature or for a Copy/Pasted Feature. However from a template the system tool is unchecked. Seems to me that what ever is being done regarding system tools for Templates should be applied to the Copy / Paste. I think what most would like to see is that system tool box be unchecked by default, or at least it be an option in settings.

This topic has gotten a lot of attention in the forum.

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Hi @avocamfg2006,
I am already full of expectation about V34. So I take a little break to cover problems with V33 as there sure a lot of told problems will be solved.
But yes… I also hope that Tool Crip and Tool Library have experienced a renewal :wink:
Bye, Harald

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i find in V33 anyway…even with a template it will still make it’s own tool instead of either choosing the one in your template or an existing tool out of you library…i’ve just upgraded to V34 and will see if this got fixed…here’s keeping a good thought


sadly the tool selection issue still persists in V34…nothings changed…still makes up it’s own tool rather than pick the one you really need out of your crib…and it doesn’t matter if it’s in a template or not…well i had hope…

Hi Chris,

Disappointing to hear that. I don’t have V34 yet. Looks like the 5 Axis level got most attention. However a lot of the UI things that were discussed in this forum were implemented. Hopefully @BobCad will take a good look at the user concerns with Tool Crib, Tool Editing / Selection and it can be in a SP update, sooner rather than later. Don’t want to wait another year. :weary:

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please…i’ve been asking this for sometime…MAKE IT STOP…

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